Thursday, July 17, 2008

THE WAR OF THE WORLDS 11-15 Connection

Chpter 11-15 Connection

* An ultimate hunger or fear sometimes makes people not judged anything
in appropriately.
I have heard such this thing long time ago.When the sailors survived
from shipwreck, and drifted on the sea for a long time,they killed each
other for the purpose of having food to one.

* When people are in an ultimate hunger, they can not help eating
everything what they found.
It reminded me of a man who was the Japanese soldier in th World War II
tried to eat everything in a jungle where he left alone.

* When people encounterd tremendous fear or trouble, they got their hair
turned into gray or faded at once.
My neighbor was a fatal cancerous. When he knew the fact,his hair quickly
turned into gray.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Summary Chapter 1-5

The strength of the Martians worried me so much that I had decided to take my wife to the south coast, and leave country with wife immediately.
Many people, though, did not realize how serious the situation was.
'Death!' I shouted,' 'Death is comung!' and I hurried on to Weighbridge.
Martians machines appeared, far away over the low trees towards Chertsey.Then, froma different direction, a fifth one came towards us.At that moment I got under the water and, holding my breath until movement was painful, swam under the surface for as lomg as I could.
Then suddenly the white flashes of the Heat-Ray came towars me.I have a faint memory of the foot of a Martian coming down within twenty meters of my head, going straight into loose stones.And then very slowly, I realized that somehow I had escaped.
I do not remember the arrival of the curate, so probably I slept for some time.
My brother was in London when the Martians fell at Woking.He was not worried about us, as he knew frome the description in the papers that the cylinder was three kilometers from my house.
At about eight o'cloc the sound of firing could be heard clearly all over the south of London.My brother now was very worried about me.
Early hours of Monday morning people were shouting questions.'They are comung!'
'London in ganger'
That was all, but enough. All of the six million people who lived in the great city were beginning to move. Soon everybody would be tring to escape to the north.
While the curate had sat and talked so widly to me in the flat fields pour across Westminster Bridge, the Martians had started to attack again.
Towards Sunbury there was somthing dark, like a hill.
Each of the Martiams, standing in the great curve I have described, had used the tube he carried to fire a large cylinder over whathever hill, wood or other possible hiding place for the country.
They did not want to destroy the country, but only to defeat its people.
So my brother from the worst of the panic in London and reached Edgware at about seven.He saw few other refuges until he met two ladies who later traveled withhim.He arrived just in time to save them.
'Go on! Go on!' the voices said. 'They are coming.'
There were people of evry class and profession, but they were all dusty; their skins were dry, their lips black and, all of them looked very afraid.
After several more houurs on the road, they saw the sea about three kilometers
out there was warship.This was the Thunder Child, the only one in sight.
It was about two o'clock when my brother got onto a steamboat with the two women.The little steamboat was already moving out to sea when a Martian appeared, small and far away, another could be seen even further away.
Suddenly, at the nearest Martian lowered his tube and fired a cylinder at the Thunde-
er Child.
The little ship my brother was on continued to move out to sea and, the warship became smaller in the distance.

THE WAR OF THE WORLDS 1-6 Literary Luminary

Literary Luminary Chapter 1-6

Page 1
In the last years of the ninteenth century,no one believed that this world
was being watching by intelligences greater than our own.
* This introduction strongly attracts my desire to read the story.

Page 2
The end of all life, which is a distant possibility for us, is an immediate
problem for the Martians.
* It is interesting but, I have only objective idea without any fear about this
matter so far.

Page 5
A large piece suddenly came off with a sharp noise that brought jis heart
into his mouth.
* This way of expression is kind of exaggeration but, funny for me.
Reference: bring(have) one"s heart into one's mouth (idiom)

Page 7
I felt impatient to see it opened.
* Me either!!
I am so curious about what the Thing looks like in the cylinder.

Page 10
This flaming death, this invisible sword of heat, was sweeping round quickly
and steadily.
* How powerful it was!
They have already had such this advanced technology.It was proven that the
Martians have greater intelligences than people on the Earth.

Page 21
He saw this one go after a man, catch him one steel arms and knocked his head
against a tree.
* It came to clear that the Martian tripod regards human being as their enemy.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The answers Chapter 17,20 and Final Thoughts.

Capter 17
#1 Captain Marrs said that he wanted to capture Saul.
#2 Young men of BEATCON, because it is so boring.
#3 Sue said she wants to know the quick route to the Music Center.
#4 sue said dollphins are not moving in the tanks.
#5 The computer said " Accepted "

Chapter 20
The next day, during a(cello)concert on the Web,(Caroline) started talking about
Saul.She repeated everything he had told her about the (dollphins) and Music Rooms,
and how they were hart in order to make (dollpin music),As she was speaking Dick
Lane in to the recording (studio) and (shot) her dead.

Final Thoughts
#1 Sue because she is so smart,brave and cool.
She has also much humor.
#2 He had been a kind of immature about a real society.
#3 People are controled everything by the machine called CONTROL.
The out side is too hot to go without protecting clothes.
Some people without tunnel wokers do everything on the virtual world on the
#4 I have been effected by this novel that we have to think much of thinking
about the environmental ploblem more and more.
I am so prid of three women Sue,Rath and Caroline.
They are so grate women in this novel.
Especially,Caroline who announced the truth at a sacrifice of her life.
She proved her true love to Saul and made herself a just human.
#5 Saul is the main character.
I think that Saul was a kind of naive man but,is getting to be a mature as a
human throguh his hard experiece.
I have a strong sense of justice like Saul.
I am easygoing and optimistic than Saul.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The answers Chapter 8,9,10,and 11,12,13,and14-16

Chapter 8,9,and 10
#1 He really wants to go home and have a hot shower and listen to some music.
#2 There are a plenty trees in the forest in the real world,where wolves can
live,which means that Control lie.
#3 He had a hard experience concerning the forest in the past.
#4 He gradually know what things going on in virtual life which controled
by Control.Then he is ready for doing his best to achieve their plan.
#5 He was so terrified,when he heard the wolves howling,he didn't know
how to use a gun.

Chapter 11,12,and 13
#1 Because,Sue is so hard on him.
#2 They want to be identified themselves as the tunnel workers.
#3 Because, Sue's husband was killed by BEATCON in the past without
any punishment.BEATCON thought,he is a terrorist.
#4 When Saul first met her,she ignored him.

Chapter 14-16
#1 Because,Caroline didn't believe any thing what they are saying,and
she refused to help them.
#2 Because, she wanted Captain Marrs not to be aware of the matter about Saul.
#3 Sue didn't believe Saul,because she heared the news that he killed two men and
now he is wantted.
#4 He had really loved Caroline in the viertual warld, but it was not a true love
but an illusion.

a) The Contral.
b) The tunnel workers.
c) Captain Marrs.
d) A small petrol.
e) Ruth.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summary Chapter 10

At this moment,it seems that Saul,Sue,and Ruth have surbived from the dengerous
wolves in the forest.
Saul never knew that these forests exsited. The Control said that no- one allowed to use paper because of lacking trees was doubtful.
Ruth explained,'It's a typical Control lie.'
'Control does't like paper, because paper can be passed from hand to hand without
Control seeing it.
Control wants to observe all people on the Web.
'Many people had tried to stop Control,but most people are happy.'
'Lives are comfortable.''
'They are satisfied with this situation.'Ruth said.
Saul was shockd to hear her story.
Hawever he was graduary aware of what he had believed was not true.
He had been completely controled by machine called CONTROL.
On the other hand,the tunnel people do all the real work that is needed to make life
pleasant foe everyone else.
They are forced to work hard.If they don't work enogh,they are beaten.
If they try to run away,they are shot.
Fortunetely,some tunnel people succeeded in running away and live in small comunities
in the forest.PACE helps them.
Saul asked Ruth,'Aren't you worried that Captain Marrs will destroy it?'
'Marrs hates the forest' Sue said.
'His satellight,neither jetcars nor helicopters can poach into the forest.'
Marrs once try to burn down forest near London,but the fire very soon was out of
control.The fire didn't burn down th part of forest,but it also burned down many
The Contloller was furious,then Marrs was told to leave the forest alone.
'It's terrifing.'Saul said.
'That's why we started PACE.''We fight back.'
They walked on and on.
Finally,they got to the hill where the caves are.
Saul had expected to see a few people in the caves,but there are dozens of caves insied the hill,and they are all full of PACE workers.
Saul really wanted to have a rest,but Ruth demanded him to go to Nuematt as soon as possible to rescue the dolphins.
Saul said Ruth,'Some one has to save the tunnel workers.'
Ruth said,' Of couse it's very important to save them,but it's not your job.'
'You must go to rescue the dolphins immediately''That why you are here!'
Ruth decisibly said what he should do right now.
There is no turning back now.

A letter to my friend.

Dear Rieko
How are you doing?
I'm fine as usual(^0^),however,I have been annoyed by armadillos that they have
poached into oue flowerbed every morning.
They dig ground down to find their meal;insects such as earthworm,and somehng like grabbies.I don't know,what their favorit is.(LOL!)

As you know,I planted some kinds of roses in there.
Roses really want the groud well ferterlized.
Then,I have carefully taken care of it;plowing the soil soft,suppliying enough manure
sunshine,and watering in proper.
It's perfect,but armadillos dig it down everyday.

One day,I dicovred one armadillo was sniffing over the ground by his acute nose.
Then,I hit him on his back with a long broom.
Suddenly,he dashed toward me!. I was so scared,eventhough it was not big enough.
I scampered into my house.

Fixing the flowerbed is now my daily task.
Do you have any good idea to prevent my roses from this kind of gang?
Please tell me your good idea.
Thanks have a good day.
Love Mineko