Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The answers Chapter 17,20 and Final Thoughts.

Capter 17
#1 Captain Marrs said that he wanted to capture Saul.
#2 Young men of BEATCON, because it is so boring.
#3 Sue said she wants to know the quick route to the Music Center.
#4 sue said dollphins are not moving in the tanks.
#5 The computer said " Accepted "

Chapter 20
The next day, during a(cello)concert on the Web,(Caroline) started talking about
Saul.She repeated everything he had told her about the (dollphins) and Music Rooms,
and how they were hart in order to make (dollpin music),As she was speaking Dick
Lane in to the recording (studio) and (shot) her dead.

Final Thoughts
#1 Sue because she is so smart,brave and cool.
She has also much humor.
#2 He had been a kind of immature about a real society.
#3 People are controled everything by the machine called CONTROL.
The out side is too hot to go without protecting clothes.
Some people without tunnel wokers do everything on the virtual world on the
#4 I have been effected by this novel that we have to think much of thinking
about the environmental ploblem more and more.
I am so prid of three women Sue,Rath and Caroline.
They are so grate women in this novel.
Especially,Caroline who announced the truth at a sacrifice of her life.
She proved her true love to Saul and made herself a just human.
#5 Saul is the main character.
I think that Saul was a kind of naive man but,is getting to be a mature as a
human throguh his hard experiece.
I have a strong sense of justice like Saul.
I am easygoing and optimistic than Saul.

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