Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summary Chapter 10

At this moment,it seems that Saul,Sue,and Ruth have surbived from the dengerous
wolves in the forest.
Saul never knew that these forests exsited. The Control said that no- one allowed to use paper because of lacking trees was doubtful.
Ruth explained,'It's a typical Control lie.'
'Control does't like paper, because paper can be passed from hand to hand without
Control seeing it.
Control wants to observe all people on the Web.
'Many people had tried to stop Control,but most people are happy.'
'Lives are comfortable.''
'They are satisfied with this situation.'Ruth said.
Saul was shockd to hear her story.
Hawever he was graduary aware of what he had believed was not true.
He had been completely controled by machine called CONTROL.
On the other hand,the tunnel people do all the real work that is needed to make life
pleasant foe everyone else.
They are forced to work hard.If they don't work enogh,they are beaten.
If they try to run away,they are shot.
Fortunetely,some tunnel people succeeded in running away and live in small comunities
in the forest.PACE helps them.
Saul asked Ruth,'Aren't you worried that Captain Marrs will destroy it?'
'Marrs hates the forest' Sue said.
'His satellight,neither jetcars nor helicopters can poach into the forest.'
Marrs once try to burn down forest near London,but the fire very soon was out of
control.The fire didn't burn down th part of forest,but it also burned down many
The Contloller was furious,then Marrs was told to leave the forest alone.
'It's terrifing.'Saul said.
'That's why we started PACE.''We fight back.'
They walked on and on.
Finally,they got to the hill where the caves are.
Saul had expected to see a few people in the caves,but there are dozens of caves insied the hill,and they are all full of PACE workers.
Saul really wanted to have a rest,but Ruth demanded him to go to Nuematt as soon as possible to rescue the dolphins.
Saul said Ruth,'Some one has to save the tunnel workers.'
Ruth said,' Of couse it's very important to save them,but it's not your job.'
'You must go to rescue the dolphins immediately''That why you are here!'
Ruth decisibly said what he should do right now.
There is no turning back now.

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