Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summary Chapter 10

At this moment,it seems that Saul,Sue,and Ruth have surbived from the dengerous
wolves in the forest.
Saul never knew that these forests exsited. The Control said that no- one allowed to use paper because of lacking trees was doubtful.
Ruth explained,'It's a typical Control lie.'
'Control does't like paper, because paper can be passed from hand to hand without
Control seeing it.
Control wants to observe all people on the Web.
'Many people had tried to stop Control,but most people are happy.'
'Lives are comfortable.''
'They are satisfied with this situation.'Ruth said.
Saul was shockd to hear her story.
Hawever he was graduary aware of what he had believed was not true.
He had been completely controled by machine called CONTROL.
On the other hand,the tunnel people do all the real work that is needed to make life
pleasant foe everyone else.
They are forced to work hard.If they don't work enogh,they are beaten.
If they try to run away,they are shot.
Fortunetely,some tunnel people succeeded in running away and live in small comunities
in the forest.PACE helps them.
Saul asked Ruth,'Aren't you worried that Captain Marrs will destroy it?'
'Marrs hates the forest' Sue said.
'His satellight,neither jetcars nor helicopters can poach into the forest.'
Marrs once try to burn down forest near London,but the fire very soon was out of
control.The fire didn't burn down th part of forest,but it also burned down many
The Contloller was furious,then Marrs was told to leave the forest alone.
'It's terrifing.'Saul said.
'That's why we started PACE.''We fight back.'
They walked on and on.
Finally,they got to the hill where the caves are.
Saul had expected to see a few people in the caves,but there are dozens of caves insied the hill,and they are all full of PACE workers.
Saul really wanted to have a rest,but Ruth demanded him to go to Nuematt as soon as possible to rescue the dolphins.
Saul said Ruth,'Some one has to save the tunnel workers.'
Ruth said,' Of couse it's very important to save them,but it's not your job.'
'You must go to rescue the dolphins immediately''That why you are here!'
Ruth decisibly said what he should do right now.
There is no turning back now.

A letter to my friend.

Dear Rieko
How are you doing?
I'm fine as usual(^0^),however,I have been annoyed by armadillos that they have
poached into oue flowerbed every morning.
They dig ground down to find their meal;insects such as earthworm,and somehng like grabbies.I don't know,what their favorit is.(LOL!)

As you know,I planted some kinds of roses in there.
Roses really want the groud well ferterlized.
Then,I have carefully taken care of it;plowing the soil soft,suppliying enough manure
sunshine,and watering in proper.
It's perfect,but armadillos dig it down everyday.

One day,I dicovred one armadillo was sniffing over the ground by his acute nose.
Then,I hit him on his back with a long broom.
Suddenly,he dashed toward me!. I was so scared,eventhough it was not big enough.
I scampered into my house.

Fixing the flowerbed is now my daily task.
Do you have any good idea to prevent my roses from this kind of gang?
Please tell me your good idea.
Thanks have a good day.
Love Mineko

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


(1) to make it arule to do (something)
Definition : to do it habitualy without fail whenever do something
Example : I have made it a rule to have some yogurt with black sesame
for my breakfast.

My freiend makes it a rule to take a walk with her pet-dog for
an hour on every Sundays.

(2) to burn the midnight oil
Definition : to stay up all night, to work through all night
Example : The student in the ESL class had to burn the midnight oil because
he would have to prepare English examination on next week.

The computer has broken in our office,then we had to burn the
midnight oil to finish our work.

The answers Chapter 4,5,6

Chapter 4
(1) Saul is a writer and music critic.He is kind of earnest, a little shy or
Caroline is a cellorist. She is so beautiful with her white skin and
green eyes.She loves music too.
Dick Lane is 19-year-old special in BEATCON.
He is thought himself that 'He is the best.',but Marrs discribes him
'He is stupid.'
The controller is the spider at the COntrol Center.He dosen't like
Captain Marrs to do things in his way.
Captain Marrs is a head of BEATCON.He is cruel,evil,but so useful for
Ruth is a bright lively woman with a loud laugh.
(2) Captain Marrs trys to find Saul for the purpose of killing him.
Chapte 5
#1 (1)Ruthand Sue,because the dolphins are abused to make music.
(2)Saul,because Ruth told him eight dolphins are locked up in a mountain in
Neumatt,Switzerland,and She wants him to go there to rescue them.
(3)Sue,because she ignored Saul,when he gave her greeting,'Hello'
(4)Sue,because Saul will be able to walk into the MUsic Rooms without any
#2 In fact,Saul didn't want to go with Sue,but he could't help himself going.

Chapter 6
#1 (1)Sue said,'It this is how Saul behaves,when a car is blow up,he is going to
be useless on the joureny.'
(2)Soul said, 'Where are we going?' Saul asked in a panic.
(3)Ruth said, 'He is not stupid', and 'He knows people in Nuematt.'
(4)Peter said,'When I shut this stone, no-one will even know that it was

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Where is the sourse of the state's authority?

There are three possible source,such as Traditional Authority,Charismatic- Authority,and Leagal Authority.

Traditional Authority is that in many societies, people have obeyed those in power because in essence,"that is the way it always has been."
It was based on tradition,on long-stand customs,and it was handed down from one generation to the next.

Charismatic Authority is that people may also submit to authority of the extraordinary attraction of individual,for instant Napoleon,Gandhi,Mao Tsu-tung,and so on.
It ca not be transferred another person.

Leagal Authority is that the systems of the political industrial states are based largely on this type.
These systems derive legitemacy from a set of explicit rules and procedures that spell out the ruler's such as gorverner,president or prime minister rights and duties,but the authority is vested in those offices not individuals.
Thus, in this system "individuals come and go.
On the other hand, "the presidency" remains.
Individual officeholders are forced out of office and replaced for some reasons.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Answer The Chapter 1 and 2

Chapter 1
# 1 True.
The computer said to him "We have been working on blue with black letters for three
hours,five minutes and twenty five seconds."
#2 True.
Because they could do most of things on the Web.
# 3 False.
Because people who are under thirty had to do it except people working for CONTROL.
#4 False.
Because he enjoyed his work and life at the moment.
#5 True.
They were meeting and keeping in touch each other on Web.

Chapter 2
#1 Ruth.
"I'm not alone. Tere are a great many peaple who don't agree with Control.
#2 Ruth.
We have our own ways of sending information each other.
#3 Roth.
They has killed many peaple who were against CONTROL.
#4 Narration.
Saul thought himself that "This was getting too much."
#5 Ruth.
How to make dolphin's music.

My most embarrassing

When I was 17-year-old high school student.Some friends and I went swimming at a beach near my house.The beach which covered with a beautiful white powderly sand was so crowded with lots of tourists.

Our town is very famous for it's a nice view coastline, prairy, hotspring, delicious seefood and so on.
We always enjoyed swimmimg during summer vacation,especially diving into the water from watchtower built in the sea was the most enjoyable.
We used to triy it again and again all day long.
When it was my third diving , I decided to dive on the highst place of watchtower.
It was successfull.

I was very proud of myself, but peaple around me suddenly bursted into laughing and chuckling.
I could'nt understand what happened to me.

After a few swconds, I realized that my bikini-bra come off and it tangled around my neck.